Make Sorbet Gelato And More With This Sensio Home Ice Cream Maker

From Holden
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There's no need to venture out this summer to buy an expensive tub of ice cream from the supermarket, when you can make your own at home at the touch of a button. 
With the , you'll be able to whip up all sorts of delicious frozen treats from scratch, including ice cream, sorbet, gelato and frozen yoghurt, in just wrote in their review: 'I purchased this to make ice cream for our family as we don't eat dairy so ice cream options from shops are limited.

This is a great little machine to get you started, easy to assemble, Sohbet Siteleri easy to clean. It's a little bit noisy but I can live with that. 
'Our first ice cream adventure worked out really well, it took 25 minutes to make the cashew version but it was delicious.
You get an email recipe booklet that was a great starter for us too, something I didn't expect. Well worth the money and now looking forward to summer!'
Another customer commented: 'It was really easy to use and the ice cream tasted great.

I would definitely recommend!'
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