A Positive Experience Related To Liquid Rhinoplasty Procedures

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Do you wish you might change the shape of your nose without surgery? Feel that your nose is too big but don't want the down time associated with surgery or perhaps a general anesthetic? Non-surgical alternatives do exist for folks wishing to change the shape of the nose. Using temporary fillers for example hyaluronic acid (tradename Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, as well as others), Liquid rhinoplasty surgeons can alter the shape of the nose without the need for surgery.

How long do I need to be off of work with a non-surgical nose job?

Non-surgical rhinoplasties can be performed within the office with very minimal down time. Even though there can be bruising and swelling associated with the process, generally patients can return to work the exact same day and most any activity within 1-2 days.

The process utilizes facial fillers to change the contour of the nose. Local numbing medicine, similar to what is used at the dental office, may be used with or without topical anesthesia. There is no need for general anesthesia or going completely to sleep.

The process can certainly be performed in the physician's office. The process may be scheduled at the patient's discretion and usually takes less than an hour to perform

While there are risks with any procedure, generally the biggest risks are mild redness at the injection site, bruising, and swelling. Should bruising and swelling occur, it really is generally mild and resolves within several days. Keep in mind, it really is vital to speak with the experienced physician before undergoing any procedure and also to disclose your entire medical background to find out if you will find certain risks particular to your health background that you need to know before undergoing the procedure.