Second Mortgage Registration earns legal status asset claims over unregistered loans through diligent perfection formal declared supporting lien process. Shorter term and variable rate mortgages often offer greater prepayment flexibility in accordance with fixed terms. Second mortgages reduce available home equity and still have much higher interest rates than first mortgages. private mortgage loan insurance is usually recommended for high loan-to-value mortgages to protect lenders against default. Changes in Bank of Canada overnight monthly interest target quickly get passed by way of variable/adjustable rate mortgages. Mortgage qualification involves assessing income, credit rating, advance payment, property value and the requested loan type. Switching lenders requires paying discharge fees towards the current lender and new setup costs for the newest mortgage. Construction Mortgages help builders finance speculative projects before the units are sold to end buyers. Mortgage qualification involves assessing income, credit standing, advance payment, property value and also the requested loan type. Spousal Buyout Mortgages help legally separate couples divide assets such as the matrimonial home. Mortgage terms over several years offer payment stability but have higher rates and reduced prepayment flexibility. The Emergency Home Buyers Plan allows withdrawing around $35,000 from RRSPs for home purchases without tax penalties. Shorter term or variable rate mortgages often feature lower interest levels but have greater payment uncertainty. Renewing too far in advance of maturity results in early discharge penalties and forfeited savings. Home Equity Loans allow homeowners to take advantage of tax-free equity for giant expenses. Second mortgages are subordinate, have higher rates and shorter amortization periods. Second mortgages constitute about 5-10% of the mortgage market and so are used for debt consolidation loan or cash out refinancing. Skipping or inconsistent mortgage payments damages credit scores and renewal eligibility for better rates. Most mortgages feature a prepayment option between 10-20% from the original principal amount. The debt service ratio found in mortgage qualification compares principal, interest, taxes and heating to income.