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A stunning female lumberjack is shattering the manly image associated with the sport by crushing competition twice her size to claim the title of world champion, three times. <br>Despite not having a big belly or a bushy beard, Erin LaVoie, 33, from Spokane, Washington, holds two world records and is a three-time Iron Jill in lumberjack sports.<br>Boasting an enviably trim and toned physique, the svelte lumberjack regularly takes on women almost twice her size and even started her career competing against men.<br> The best of the best: Erin LaVoie, 33, is a three-time lumberjack world champion <br> Beating the boys: The Spokane, Washington, native, seen competing in a log rolling competition, has often had to compete against male opponents more than twice her size<br> Fighting stereotypes: Erin admits that most people view lumberjacks - both male and female - as being butch, with beards<br>'People have this image lumberjacks are all big, fat guys with beards - even the women,' Erin explained.<br><br>'I can be competing against women who are twice my size but it doesn't matter.<br>'They might be bigger, but I'm better.<br>'I like to look after myself and keep myself trim - being strong doesn't mean I can't be sexy.<br>I like to keep myself looking girly and glamorous.'<br>Erin first joined a lumberjack team - the SCC Gyppos - aged 19 while studying forestry at Spokane Community College.<br>At that point, in 2002, very few women were practicing the sport, so she was forced to face off against male competitors.<br><br>But while they put up a good fight, it wasn't long before Erin started winning against even the toughest opponents. <br>'I had to compete against guys in the beginning,' she recalled. 'At first I would lose but as I practiced more and improved I started to beat them.<br>'They hated it, but it just gave me the impetus to carry on and get better.'<br> RELATED ARTICLES <br><br><br><br>Share this article<br>Share<br><br><br>Don't back down: The lumberjack champion currently holds two world records - and is determined to add to that collection<br> Pint-sized: Erin is just 150lbs and can find herself going up against women who weigh almost twice that<br> Practice makes perfect: 'I trained for hours and hours as I hate to suck at anything I do,' Erin said of her dedication to the sport<br> Maintaining a balance: Erin admits that many people are surprised when she tells them that she competes as a lumberjack - but she insists that being tough doesn't mean she can't be sexy and glamorous<br><br>Only five days after picking up an ax for the first time, Erin was competing in such events as log rolling, the ax throw and the underhand chop - for which she now holds two world records.<br>After placing in all of the disciplines, she had been well and truly bitten by the wood bug and started on the professional circuit.<br>She said: 'I trained for hours and hours as I hate to suck at anything I do.<br>'The underhand chop is my specialty, I love the talent it takes.<br>'Strength, endurance, technique, coordination, power, and definitely accuracy.<br>'I have picked up a few toes for [] people.<br><br>Because of all the talent it takes, I don't need to look like a beast to win.<br>'It is a fantastic feeling to pull on that ax and just smash into a piece of fresh wood.'<br>To keep herself in peak physical condition at a svelte 150lbs, Erin sticks to a very strict exercise and diet regime.<br> Staying strong: Erin and her husband Chance own a gym together, which is where Erin does cross fit workouts<br> Friendship group: 'Eating clean makes the workouts easier but I love going for a drink with the girls,' Erin said of her diet and exercise routine<br> Moving on up: Erin, who is pictured competing in an underhand chop competition, is determined to reclaim the all-around record, which she lost this year<br> Fighting fit: Erin first began practicing the sport when she was just 19-years-old and studying at the local college in Spokane <br>She practices cross fit almost every day - at Predation CrossFit, the gym she owns with her husband Chance - and trains the lumberjack disciplines two to three times each week.<br>Erin does eat as healthily as possible, but that doesn't mean she can't sneak in a pint of Guinness every now and then.<br>She added: 'Eating clean makes the workouts easier but I love going for a drink with the girls.<br><br>Most people when they see me don't believe I'm a professional lumberjack.<br>'Even when I tell them I'm a world champion they underestimate me - so they're just blown away when they watch me working the wood.'<br>And despite reaching the top of the tree, Erin is committed as ever to improving.<br>She said: 'I want another world record, that's what keeps me working hard.<br><br>I lost my all-around record this year so I want to win that one back badly.' <br><br>adverts.addToArray({"pos":"inread_player"})Advertisement